
Who is to blame for the blowout in the Gulf of Mexico?

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Voting closed: September 25, 2010, 05:37:16 PM

Author Topic: Gulf of Mexico Blowout  (Read 1644 times)


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  • Posts: 155
Gulf of Mexico Blowout
« on: May 28, 2010, 05:37:16 PM »
Please give me your thoughs on the Gulf of Mexico disaster....


  • 2 PAIR
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  • Posts: 136
Re: Gulf of Mexico Blowout
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2010, 04:58:33 AM »
                                                 AS A RESIDENT of THE GULF COAST.
 i do have very strong opinions on this subject. and i cant help  but think we the public are the basic blame in this disastrous event.
why we the public? well primarily, due to the way we have allowed our government to sit on their backsides and play the go along get along politics of governing. what should we expect! when we place appointed officials that earn less than the corporate heads pay in taxes, to ride shotgun over these major corporations.
 we as a public, all watch news shows that display how third world countries do this very thing. making us scoff at how stupid they are. placing low paid officials to oversee large corporate interests. then the country gets bilked by the corporation after buying off the appointed official. and we say, what hell do you expect!
 well i for one, expect this to become a eye opening event. as the true impact slowly unrolls over the next decade, or possibly even century.
 once that oil reaches the coastal wetlands it is all over. there is not a recovery method to remove the oil from that environment. and this not a valdez spill! this is a open well, not a known quantity contained in a shipping vessel (which by the way the valdez spill is still impacting the prince william sound).
 once this oil impacts the marshes and brack waters we will surely lose a major percentage of our gulf ecosystem. the gulf of mexico is not like the atlantic or pacific oceans. it is more like a semi stagnant pool with a heat induced flow (gulf stream). in comparison to the pacific or atlantic oceans the gulf of mexico is a very land locked body of water. the limited exchange of water within the gulf is very delicate in comparison with the large oceans. only time will tell, as to how badly we have mismanaged our responsibilities and self concerns for such a vastly important resource.

peace  asz

ps:there is

so much more i just cant type that long!