Author Topic: Attention!!! All US Poker Players!  (Read 284 times)


  • Freeroll Chaser
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Attention!!! All US Poker Players!
« on: August 02, 2006, 09:26:36 PM »
Well the Internet Gambling Ban Bill has made it past the House and will be before the Senate for a vote.

Every one of you needs to speak up and let the Senate know that poker should not be included and that furthermore, this attempt to monitor the internet habits of the general public is an unwarranted and invasive restriction of our rights.

PLEASE! Go immediately to the Poker Players Alliance and join - write your Senator! and inform your friends, relatives and acquaintances (poker loving or not) about the impact this will have on their costs for internet and banking as those industries are turned into the "internet gambling police". The government is certainly not going to cover the costs of the necessary personnel required to monitor your internet habits - they will be passed on to every customer of every ISP and every Bank.

Furthermore, this bill will enable the government to review not only your internet habits but your bank account at will to identify any "mis-use". Of course they have no way of knowing that granny doesn't even own a computer - they just get to break her privacy under this umbrella.

At least one site has already banned US players along with those from China and Japan - - How does it feel to now be right in there with 2 of the most restrictive countries in the world when it comes to personal freedom?

Here is a link to an excellent article on the subject.

Please - take a stand before it is too late!!!!