Author Topic: Its just a freeroll...  (Read 3651 times)


  • Freeroll Chaser
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Its just a freeroll...
« on: February 09, 2010, 05:08:51 PM »
How many times have you all heard someone say this, or perhaps you have said it yourself, after a particularly bad call, or constant all in. 

But here is my take on this, and think about it.   You should play your A game every time you play.  Whether its for free or a 1000 dollar buy in.  When you play freerolls and you play loose and hands you wouldnt normally just because its a freeroll, you begin to develop bad habits, you may not think so, but especially in todays Online poker world where you really dont see the chips stacked in front of you, and its so easy to click a call or raise button.

For example, say you go all in the first few hands in a freeroll, and you hit with bad hands, now you have yourself a chip stack and you keep playing bad hands, some hit and some lose, and in this particular match it worked for you, congratulations you beat the odds... But now the next time you play, maybe this time its a buy in, you start to see some of the hands that hit for you in the freeroll, and you think "wow, i won in that freeroll" and you play a bad hand that someone raised.  This time you lose and the odds held for the better hand...

Im not saying everyone is this way, but especially when you play alot of low buy ins or freerolls, you should always play your A game, because even in the short term if playing bad or marginal hands hit for you, in the long run they will cost you, especially at higher stakes.  There is a difference between blind luck and skill, and even if you get beat out by all in players or freeroll donks, dont let that stop you from playing your A game, in the long run, its better for you and worse for them.

Just my thoughts.

Good hunting on the felt.


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Re: Its just a freeroll...
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2010, 11:36:26 PM »
I agree fully with your statement here. I will bring around bad habits. I always try and play my A game no matter what, but sometimes when I make a bad call or get donked on ,I tend go go a little tilty and try and go after that person, I start to force hands I think a lot of players pick up on these things. Someday I just try and rush also not good stradedy.  Very nice post .


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Re: Its just a freeroll...
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2010, 08:40:54 PM »
Good advice.  Its too bad I'm not Spock without the emotions that keep getting in my way.  lol


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Re: Its just a freeroll...
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2010, 06:00:09 AM »
Everytime you play you need to play like your money is on the line. You will not improve your game by playing junk in Freerolls.
New poker forum PFP Poker freeroll password


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Re: Its just a freeroll...
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2010, 08:29:41 AM »
 it does read well in type, but the simple fact is, not everyone abides by such lines of discipline. and as i have found out too many times. one player whines about how could you call with that trash. and then will turn around 3 or 4 games later and call with even worse trash. i have had this scenario play it's self out so many times. well as recent as last night.
  and as far as the game being all skill.........plz. skill is a goodly part of it. but we all know, when someone sits in that golden seat. it dont matter how skilled you are. the cards will beat you to the ground and leave you pulling your hair out.
 so skill as in how to read a proper fold maybe. skill as in playing only strong starters well that is half and half. half skill and half luck that the allin monkey didnt call you in and beat you down with a 68 os.
 but then again i dont have a clue. and am really amazed every time i win!!

peace  asz


  • Freeroll Chaser
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Re: Its just a freeroll...
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2010, 02:45:13 PM »
That is a very sound post. You should always try to play well, otherwise you will create some very bad habits.


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Re: Its just a freeroll...
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2010, 05:53:44 AM »
There is a difference between calling all in and calling a raise with "trash" hands.  Playing "trash aka speculative hands" against someone playing ABC poker who won't fold his strong hands can be +EV.