Dear James,
Since 2006, the Poker Players Alliance (PPA) has been the advocate for the poker community in Washington, D.C. During this time, the PPA has met with nearly every member of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate to educate them about poker, describe why it is a game of skill and promote licensing and regulation of Internet poker.
The PPA has collected much information about Members of Congress and their stance on poker. We have compiled this data for you in an easy to use guide. PPA's official Congressional Rating Guide gives grades from A+ to F- to every member of the U.S. House and Senate based on their position on poker. Members of Congress for whom a position could not be determined are noted with a question mark. The ratings Web site can be found at In most cases, grades are based on co-sponsorship of bills, Congressional letters of support, public statements and private meetings with the PPA and our members due to the lack of full votes by either the House or Senate. Grades are not permanent and this guide will be updated periodically. Our goal is for all Members of Congress to score a grade of A or better.
The PPA Congressional Rating Guide is searchable by state and by zip code. As an additional benefit, you can automatically send an email to your Member of Congress directly from the guide to let them know how you feel about their grade and voice your support of the great game of poker.
We hope you find this information useful. Feel free to pass this website along to your fellow poker players and urge them to contact their Members of Congress.
Knowing how your elected officials stand on the issues important to you is half the battle -- letting them know that you're a voter who supports poker takes care of the rest.
Senator Alfonse D'Amato
Chairman, Poker Players Alliance