Author Topic: From FRT sponsored $2 to 11 sites with$  (Read 304 times)


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From FRT sponsored $2 to 11 sites with$
« on: July 23, 2008, 02:31:22 PM »
Back at the begining of the year Buc seposited $2 to members who had downloaded JBP from his link into their accounts. I was one of them and now have to give a very big THANK YOU BUC once again. But good cards and luck I now have turned that $2 into having money at eleven sites online. With the help of a very good friend who has done many P2P transfers I'm able to play in ring games and alot more of buy in tournys. I had set my goal of hitting 10 sites by summer which I have done. So for those members that Buc has ever done this for $2 can go along way.


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From FRT sponsored $2 to 11 sites with$
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2008, 08:05:54 PM »
Well that is a great story!!  :D
Real happy for you Roadawg and big Congrats to you!
Enjoy it!
FRT Moderator and still proud of it!