Author Topic: DGS  (Read 3040 times)


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« on: January 08, 2008, 04:42:56 PM »
DGS has official closed the sale of the network did not go through. Several of the skins are already moving to other networks. Wingows moved about 3 weeks ago to the GCN (Gold Chip Network). BJO (Big Juicy Stakes Odds) is doing the same not that that one matters because they were already in debt to the DGS network for a substantial amount of money which they will probably do the same thing at GCN. BJO is one of those sites that offered several different forums hundreds of dollars in events, I turned them down and refused to add them to my sites while several other forum owners took every freeroll they could get for their members even though they could see by their affiliate stats the site was not making any revenue. G2G I informed players last week would be moving to Merge network which is the same network as Carbon poker,, and Pokernordica. I hope players listened and did not try and withdraw from G2G because they are reporting they will be moving players accounts along with funds over to the new network. I also hope you took a screen shot of your balance for a backup like I suggested. This is now the 3rd move by G2G the owners have tried to make it work they have made some bad choices on the networks they tried in the past but this move should be the last Merge is one of the top poker networks.

I was also questioned on why I would report to my members to play at the sites on the DGS network. Members had been posting for several weeks they were not getting withdraws processed so I contacted the Network owners which informed me they were in the process of trying to sell the network. Seeing an overload of players trying to withdraw and a major cut back in site activity in my opinion would hurt the sale and stop all players from having a chance to get their money. The site had already stopped paying out at that point so it was really a waste of time trying to withdraw.

DGS had made an offer to any off the skin owners that would like to acquire the network at no cost to contact them. I do not think any of them will try to take it over but you never know.

Here is a copy of the email sent to the skins on the network

Dear Licensee,
We regret to inform you that Dynamic Gaming Systems Corporation S.A. has become insolvent.  It is unable to meet its ongoing obligations.
This has resulted due to a number of reasons including:  1) the lack of players that have been signed up on the network and 2) The loss of a number of payment solution providers including most recently Epassporte.
The network will remain open until Friday January 25th at noon eastern time.  The cashier section has been turned off and all tournaments have been cancelled.  If any licensee would like to acquire the network at no cost please respond to this email and we will contact you.  
We anticipate a receiver will be appointed to liquidate the assets.  
Dynamic Gaming Systems

The sale of the network is not going to happen now after the request of so many players trying to withdraw.
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« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2008, 04:49:28 PM »
Rather like the run on the banks... I'm afraid saying something has made it so

Sigh.. no more pink hat with the big pink feather :(
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« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2008, 07:50:14 PM »
thank god lol


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« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2008, 08:43:10 PM »
I figured we would get some news about this from you. I also know about the other forums having freerolls every week at BJO maybe the owners of those sites should pay any winnings their members lost and couldn't get out of the site. They were their events weren't they.


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« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2008, 08:56:25 PM »
I only wish I was able to post the good news.

I really think if the sale did go through it would have been great, now I have to wait for the people that were going to buy it to build the new software.
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« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2008, 11:49:39 PM »
Thank-you so much for keeping us informed with the state of affairs @ DGS. I took your advise, and cancelled a withdrawall from G2G that had been pending since Dec.09. I then took a screenshot of my cashier summary. When I looke yesterday, my acct balance was zero and transaction history showed that a p2p was done Jan7 for balance of acct. If I had not been forewarned by you, I would've paniced , thinking my money had been stolen.Now I can safely assume it has been transferred to my new G2G acct. Do you have any idea when the new site will be available? Sure wish they would keep us informed. Even a public notice posted on their site would suffice.
Thanks again, appreciate what you are doing, and I hope that another attrntion-seeking forum owner will be brought to justice for the problems he has caused!


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« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2008, 12:01:20 AM »
It shouldn't take too long until they reopen.  I was told the day they're shooting for, but I don't want to post it yet, just in case, but I can tell you it's not far away and some time this month.
I think the first thing they are worried about doing is getting the site and players moved and with money involved they don't want to rush it and screw it up.  I believe all will get emails soon letting you know you've been moved and other new info.

Hope to see you all there, I already have games waiting for them, ones that were supposed to be this month I cancelled and will have them rescheduled as soon as they reopen.  :D
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« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2008, 12:07:00 AM »
Well, thats a speedy response indeed! Thanx Betty :D


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« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2008, 02:20:02 AM »
Thanks Betty


 It was not G2G moving players funds the network shut them out last week where the could not get into the admin panel for the site. The did the same for all the skins. G2G had a backup of the amounts owed to players. The network DGS started labling withdraws in the sites as P2P transfers and 900pay2 withdraws last week. To my knowledge none of the withdraws were processed just a way to clear them out of the system I guess.

G2G will be doing player to player transfer to players on the new network with money out ot their pockets.
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« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2008, 03:12:56 AM »
Omg, unreal! How sneaky of Dgs. And of course they will get away with it. If the stupid American govt would keep out of poker we wouldnt hafta be dealing with the likes of these crooks


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« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2008, 06:28:28 AM »
Yes it is bad, If the USA would just regulate the operators it would be a lot better for all of us. Before the law went in effect we had several poker sites close and keep players money. This will not be the only network or site that will close.

I just try and post and inform players the facts. I try not to go off of rummors.

If players remember when neteller left it was the only ewallett that Cakepoker had some other forums had posts saying that site would close because they had no other payment options. Cakepoker network is now a major player.

Jetset we really didn't have any warning the just closed the doors one day players had been being paid so it was a big surprise.

Tropical poker once they changed the rules about withdraws that you had to deposit in the same month you requested the withdraw we knew that site was done.

The DGN (Future bet network) had always had payout issues before Dobrosoft sold them their software. Dobrosoft has now taken the software back and opened the Gold Chip Network last news I have received players, site operators, and affiliates have started to get paid which is a good sign.

I can tell you I do not leave a lot of money on any site. I did lose thousands of dollars when the law did change because I thought my money was safe on all the sites including Neteller. Now I follow Witchys advice and never count the money as being mine until it is in my hands. I also do not leave large sums of money on any site or ewallet account.
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« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2008, 08:00:19 AM »
It has been a pain since the law changed. Don't forget the AP problem.


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« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2008, 10:59:46 PM »
[url=]G2G[/u][/b][/color][/url] has started moving players and transferring funds some players already have been paid. The owner is taking $25,000 out of his own pockets to satisfy the players debts from the DGS network closing. Players will be getting an email telling them how to set up an account. Make sure if you had G2G poker before to check your email account for the info.
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« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2008, 12:16:42 AM »
Let me know ASAP when your bonus deal is ready. I will set up an account with any site willing to stand behind the players.


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my opinion
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2008, 09:32:09 AM »
Heres my opinion and you may not like it.I will not play at or deposit at any site that has in the past ripped people off period.Ive heard this song n dance before with wingows and usdbet.I dont know if the same people are behind dgn,dgs or whatever.I do know this Colin guy is with Ironduke and hes not to be trusted....I am an American and I practice me right to free speech.I realize this is your forum tho and you may delete this and even ban me if you wish,but that is your right..I do know Bucnright is a good guy tho and Ive seen him threaten to be banned from another forum for speaking his mind when usdbet went under.It turned out that Bucnright was right and others had to eat crow in that situation...anyways It really comes down to us,and Im deciding never to play at a site that has a questionable past or questionable people working there.I dont mean to offend anyone,but Im sick of sites moving around and maybe paying up and maybe not,thats it Ive had it!!