At least four online poker players and some of the Playsafe Holdings poker network licensees are reporting they are still owed money by the Swedish firm. reported back in August 2007 that a former online poker licensee of Playsafe Holdings was getting stiffed on commissions/rake while online poker players were being refused payments. After their report circulated throughout the internet on several popular internet gambling websites, the licensee received the following instant message from Playsafe COO Ben Johansen on August 31st, 2007:
"You will receive a check for the commission earned on XXXX but client balances are my responsibility and will remain with me. Good Luck!"
Translation: "We will not be paying you, your players balances". To date, the licensee has not received the promised commission/rake and slow and no pay complaints are beginning to pile up.
"Our players were forced by Playsafe Holdings to re-install a Action Poker client on their desktops once we moved to a new poker network," stated the new owner of the first licensee being stiffed for close to one year. "So now our poker players are playing at Action Poker and are asking us to pay them instead of the people with their money, Playsafe! Not only does this cause issues for our brand, it is tying up our support team."