Author Topic: When to quit  (Read 818 times)


  • Freeroll Chaser
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  • Posts: 32
When to quit
« on: August 10, 2007, 06:40:24 AM »
If I am in a good game and I am cleaning up but getting tired, I will sit out and walk away from the screen and have a cup of coffee.  After 25 minutes or so I will get back in the game but if I am still tired I will stand up and my session will be over.  A lot of people try to play 8 hours or some other time limit but if they are winning they will stay longer.  If I am winning and tired but all the bad players have left the table I will leave too.  My odds of winning a lot has gone down and there will be the chance I will have a bad loss.  Some people are down a little and stay too long trying to break even.  I would rather take a small loss and leave.  You can make it up in the next session. If I am up 25 times the minimum bet I will usually leave if I go down under 20 times the minimum.  If I have broken even but am struggling, I will quit.   There is nothing wrong with breaking even.  It’s the next best thing to winning.
ap jnewberry
DoylesRoom, tilt and UltimateBet xxnewbsxx
Cake unclejimmy


  • Freeroll Chaser
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  • Posts: 21
have to agree
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2008, 10:54:51 AM »
I have to agree with that. I mostley have to watch it right after a bad beat. That is when i get in the most trouble. Cause ill start trying to play any hand and gamble it out like crazy. I like to walk it off. let my temper calm and then take advantage of the 'cheater' lol some people i am convinced have esp


  • Freeroll Chaser
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  • Posts: 19
When to quit
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2008, 12:34:32 PM »
I would have to agree that my worst play is when I am tired. Sometimes tourneys last way too long for me! And I hate when that happens.


  • Freeroll Chaser
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  • Posts: 24
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2008, 01:03:23 PM »
as much as i lose i need any tip out there i can get  or  help that can be giving  ha ha