I am very disappointed. I downloaded Spades Lounge because I belong to
our forum. I normally play a few free events before I make any deposits. I want to make sure that I like the site first. Yesterday, I tried and tried to play a freeroll, and was denied due to "insufficient funds". I finally gave up!
Today, I spent hours trying to get into our 5pm game, and to no avail! I was again denied into a FREE tournament due to "insufficient funds"!
I recevied NO AID from their support tem, other than to be told to try again!!!! Well, I already did that numerous times. However, I did, indeed, try again and was again denied access! They gave me no answers except try again....
Now, after the game has started, they want our password for the tournament. But it has ALREADY STARTED!
I am sorely disappointed concerning the lack of answers or their caring enough to REALLY help me understand the problem. And, I missed the tournament, hope you guys had fun.