Author Topic: [url=][color=red][b][u]DoylesRoom[/u][/b][/color][/url] 10-2 was a bad play  (Read 2060 times)


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For those using DoylesRoom 10-2 as a reason

DoylesRoom 10-2 First was the fact he thought a player was on a bluff not pot odds. The second he was Big blind with no raise or bet until he had 2 pr.

Doyle confided, "I played the 10-2 many times after that. Let's just say, I don't play it anymore."

I was heads up against Jessie Alto. I had just beaten the guy in a big pot; he was a notorious steamer, so, naturally, when he raised the pot, I called him with the 10 2. He had an A-J and hit aces and jacks on the flop, with one spade. I had tens. He bet and I called. When a deuce fell on the turn, I moved in on him. I caught another 10 on the river to beat him!

"The next year, I was in the big blind and had 10-2 against Bones Berland. The flop came 10-8-5. I checked, and he checked. He had eights and fives. The fourth card was a deuce. I bet, he moved in on me, and I called. The last card was a 10 again. So, in both hands, I made a full house."
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  • Freeroll Chaser
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  • Posts: 13
lol every donk should be forced to read this post.
"Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat"


  • Freeroll Chaser
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  • Posts: 3
Yeah, but if you read his books.  He plays aggresively and expects to catch cards to win.  HE goes in with the worst hand and comes out with the best one.  He's got back balls ;-)


  • PAIR
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  • Posts: 51
In a very recent interview Doyle said he still likes to play 10,2 os at least once a tourney,b ut would be much more circumspect about when and how.   What is lost in these two famous plays is all the solid poker hands he played to get to the final tables.


  • Freeroll Chaser
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  • Posts: 1
well duh i dont think 10 2 could be a good play no matter what lol and doyle brunson knows that he just got lucky and hes willing to admit it


  • Freeroll Chaser
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  • Posts: 42
Doyle likes crap hands cause no one else will play those hands.As well as he is a very lucky person cause he has won alot playing with some donk hands.Now I know where Gus got it from cause Doyle sure has been around alot longer then Gus was.If players choose to play those hands all the best to them cause I sure won't.Only if I am in the bb then I might.I like those bb specials.
KnOwInG wHeN tO hOlDeM...........

kNoWiNg WhEn To FoLdEm...........

I dOn'T kNoW wHeN tO...............
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