Author Topic: Must have made the poker gods angry  (Read 1150 times)


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Must have made the poker gods angry
« on: July 20, 2009, 07:01:46 PM »
While playing in a freeze out tourny at a local brick and mortar last Wednesday morning, I had been watching a fellow go in big money with  a variety of less then premium opening hands. He was succeeding in pushing a lot of people around and was amassing a good little stack.

the blinds were 200-400 and I was on the button when he bet 1200 pre-flop. Everyone folded around to me and I raised to 2400 chips. The small blind folded, and the big blind called my raise, which put him all in. Then the original manic player re-raised me to 3800 which I called, putting me all in as well.

Mr. manic turned up an Ace / Jack off suit. I turned up my pair of Kings. And the big blind turned up the other pair of kings. Right then I know we had angered the poker gods somehow....

When the board finished out the Ace / Jack player had a Queen high straight and I was headed for the cash tables.


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Re: Must have made the poker gods angry
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2010, 03:45:40 AM »
That's too bad, but why the raise to 2400 when you had less than 3800 in your stack?  He's probably not folding even if you declare all in because he doesn't to have been a knowledgable player.