Try this one out. For years I owned a dairy farm and would haul my neighbor's and my cattle to market. Had to have my vehicle and the cattle trailer it pulled Provincial Inspected ! Had sway bar put on vehicle and in between trailer and vehicle so they were at same level along with safety chains ! Put it plainly I was at or above the law with that set up!
Any one a police officer had it in for me when I had the trailer behind me in vehicle and since I went to the auction once week and up three times a week depending neighborhood need I would get pulled over one or two times by the same police and go through the same bs every time and not get a ticket because I had the Provincial Certificate.
Well one day he was going on holidays and was driving his truck with one of those trailers to camp in ( it was twice as long as his or my vehicle). He came up to a corner near the town welder's shop and I was there to have something repaired and all of a sudden there was a
We all walked out of the shop and saw this vehicle on it's side and trailer with one front corner damaged! The trailer was still on it's wheels with it's hitch impaled into the vehicle. Now to come up to a corner with that amount of weight the driver has to come to a full stop before turning even if there is no traffic or the momentum of the trailer which is going straight at the time will still do so and go straight forward and since he did not the trailer pushed the vehicle on it's side and what damage was done was done.
Now I had complained to neighbor's and the local paper before how this one police officer pick on me. I was smiling had two neighbor's , neighborhood kid from welding shop and the editor from paper congregating at the scene!
I knew what had happened by just looking at what was on it's side since I had experience handling that sort of equipment! "WELL WELL DO YOU HAVE PROVINCIAL INSPECTION PAPERS OFFICER ( insert his name )" I asked and I asked it a few times and pointed out that he had asked it to me on rural roads to make sure the public was save from me. By the time I finished I had pointed out to the audience ( which included the editor ) he knew the traffic laws he broke by not having everything certified !
Small town of three thousand saw the pictures of accident with my views pointing out of his laws broken ( 12 of them ) from no safety chain stabilizers etc. even gave to paper a copy of his latest time he pulled me over for nothing ( police officer has to do paper work proving what he has done and I asked for a copy to make sure to show insurance for cheaper rate).
He was transferred within a week of returning from holidays and had to pay for the damage from his pocket! The newspaper editor article caused that.
We had ten police officers in that town because of two prisons , strange after that they waved or smiled when seeing me on the streets hauling cattle or walking along road side!