As i recivied a e-mail from the poker players alliance this moring i am very happy to report that the PPA was able to unseat a number of anti poker rep's .They also achieved our goal of electing many poker candidates.Of the 54 candidates pokerpac,the political action committee of the PPA, endorsed (12 of which were challengers) 46 won their election on november 4, 2008.Moreover, they are pleased to annouce that more than 40 of our lowest rated members of congress will not be returning to washington next year.This was exactly short verision of what was e-mailed to me.For futher information on this topic or other,s contact 1325 G Street Nw Suite 500 Washington, DC, 20005 or Phone=1-888-448-4ppa4,E-mail ty all for your time i hope in the near future online poker well be allowed every where. tyvm hojo