Not sure how much interest this will draw but let's give this a try.
Movies have been around for over 100 years, so you can imagine, there are thousands of memorable movie quotes out there.
If I say:
I`ll make him an offer he cant refuse
Almost everyone know that I am talking about the comment made by Vito Corleone in The Godfather.
Or if I say:
I'll be back
, I don't even think I have to explain where it came from.
The idea is to write a movie quote, others have to guess who said it (what character or actor) and the movie where it's from.
Of course it's easy to go to Google, But let's try not too.
Let's start:
In response to the question; "what happens if you open your mouth going 200 miles per hour?"
He said "
I guess it would blow the back of your pants out.."
The one who guesses right, can make a new quote.