Author Topic: "other forum" [url=][color=red][b][u]G2G[/u][/b][/color][/url] email today  (Read 461 times)


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I received an email from the "other forum" regarding G2G and the Kahnawake Gaming Commission stating that G2G does not have a Kahnawake Gaming license.

I know I have seen the Kahnawake license on many poker sites but am a bit unclear  as to what exactly that means. Who is licensed - each individual poker skin, the skin owner or????
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Basically the man is a fookin ass clown and is clutching at any straw he can to try to discredit G2G.

Yes he is correct that G2G does make that statement and also they are not listed on the Kahnawake Gaming Commission list of sites...

what he fails to mention though is if you go onto and take a look there you will see this ...

Our software is licensed, audited and regulated by the Kahnawake Gaming Commission and secured by thawte.

Now merge isnt listed on the KHC list either  8O  does this mean that the whole network is a lie???? NO  what it means is that KHC licence Mergegaming and thus all the sites on their network...


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Oh yes he forgot to mention Vegaspoker247, Absolute poker, Carbon poker, Ironduke poker, and Pokernordica. The software these sites use are licensed, audited and regulated by the Kahnawake Gaming Commission and secured by thawte.

He has a beef with the G2G so probably went to complain to the Kahnawake Gaming Commission. He tried it with Anthony from Merge that didn't get him to far.
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