Author Topic: forum freerolls  (Read 5152 times)


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forum freerolls
« on: July 21, 2009, 06:48:26 PM »
This is entirely my feelings on forum free rolls and hope it is with others. I totally understand the concept of free rolls. Except I believe if it is a forum game and not a regular poker site free roll there is a different type of play involved. Sure everyone wants to win but why allin just to win a measly say 100 chips. A forum game should be to get to know one another and have a good time. However to many members thinks it is only a free roll and treats it the same as others. To me they are different as nite and day. Right now I'm sitting out of one to type my feelings and I apologise to members at the table for sitting out. However if I need that type of play i;ll just sign up for a regular free roll. Again not good with words but this is my feelings about a forum game .


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Re: forum freerolls
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2009, 10:21:15 PM »
And here is my feeling on this;

Freeroll or $10,000 buy in WSOP, it is "No Limit hold'em" that means you can choose to bet as little or as much as you want at any moment.

While I agree that is sucks when the manic player suckes out with a 2 5 off suit against my AA, that is unfortunately the way it goes sometimes in poker. you put your chips in the middle and you take your chances.

If you don't like people going all in when ever they feel like it, they have these games called "Limit Poker".


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Re: forum freerolls
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2009, 01:07:04 AM »
Mr Maws.

Do you remember the old saying, " You Get what You Pay For."

There is a BIG difference in the "CLASS" of player you see between a Freeroll and a Buy-in.

There are people that join hundreds of freerolls daily that play "All-In" hoping to get lucky. If and when they do hit money they go to the cash tables and are Eaten up because they don't know how to play poker.   

I am phasing out my freeroll play mainly because of the All-in donks and the sitouts.

My suggestion is to stick to the $3-$10 buy-ins if you want some good poker.

Your Bud,


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Re: forum freerolls
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2009, 07:25:34 AM »

I can play like an ass cause its freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!  I can be rude and abusive because its freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

What is shows me is the real person... if they play like an ass and are rude and abusive to others at the table - then they are showing me who they really are

I received several complaints yesterday about the AP freeroll and one particular player... I am very sorry anyone should have been subjected to such abuse.

Poker is supposed to be fun - if your idea of fun is to be nasty, abusive to other players and foul mouthed - maybe you should take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself what kind of person you are.
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Re: forum freerolls
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2009, 08:29:51 AM »
I will work with AP about this player also. In last nights game 2 players Zexi and Zexer both started the game playing the same way. The big problem with those two players is the never played at the same time. One was always sitting out while the other was playing. They did finally play after break which was after I said something at the table. I was working with AP security already at that point and they verified both accounts were on the same IP. That was until after break when the IP address of one of the players switched and they began playing at the same time. AP caught that also and now the player that started playing for the cheater after the break is in violation of AP rules.
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Re: forum freerolls
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2009, 09:11:04 AM »
Some here is not taking this the way I tried to explain the difference. I've been playing poker for over 40 years and I always do not know exactly how to but things down to understand. I don't care what kind of game we are playing I feel a league game is suppose to be different than a standard game. I understand allin from idiots to win 15 chips in a poker site freeroll but not in a league game. You are right in saying it is allowed but is it correct[I don't think so} example of small:I coach little league years ago my team was winning by 7 runs. Seen the other team wasn't very good I pulled my starters and let the others play. We won the game and  and parents from both sides thank me. You may say its not the same but it is since they are both just games. But maybe by some here I should of just pounded the heck out of the other team if so I'm sorry you have such a warped mind. Again league and other games are different.


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Re: forum freerolls
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2009, 09:37:53 AM »
If your a poker player you play every game the same. By being an All-in-Idiot in an event private or not you are not helping yourself become a better players. This forum has rules agaist the All-in every hand style play. If you want to play that way please join our buy-ins also and play that way. This will allow you to stay a member here. If you only play like a Donk because its a freeroll your not welcome here. Send me a PM and I will give you a list of about 100 other forums that do allow that style of play and do not care to work with the members to make them better players.

I hope all my players/members become great players so they never have to play a freeroll again. I want you to become a money player.
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Re: forum freerolls
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2009, 01:40:25 PM »
I am NOT playing right now at a Forum Freeroll BUT I am playing in an invitation game and I am still running into the "Freeroll Donks" when I would expect a higher level of play like I usually see at a forum game.

                                                                                           The Turkey ;)


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Re: forum freerolls
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2009, 07:41:37 PM »
 Im done with the site freerolls and am even cutting out some of the private ones where the play is terrible.Its bad for my game. I havent been here that long but it seems the quality of play in most FRT games is pretty good. Most are atleast trying to play good poker.
 Thanks for watching over things Bucnright.


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Re: forum freerolls
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2009, 10:26:37 AM »
Agree with 'Chriss', playing in what I call public freerolls and even in some of the forum freerolls easily leads us into playing very bad poker.  However, I disagree with many of the comments regarding styles of play and allin players.  Personally, I like to have these guys at my tables.  Invariably, they end up losing quickly and doubling up most of the other players.  The aim of this game is to outsmart the other players, ANY WAY POSSIBLE, as long as it is legal.  Who are we to complain and why should we complain about some of the styles of play??  Do you want a nice, orderly, style of play where everything is predictable?  Just to meet your prescribed fancy and needs?  Are you afraid of the different tactics of the game?  If you are, then I suggest you quit playing poker and do something else.  Having said the above, I AM NOT a proponent of the allin calls (continuously).  However, I accept their style of play and adjust my style accordingly.


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Re: forum freerolls
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2009, 06:06:37 PM »
And here is my feeling on this;

Freeroll or $10,000 buy in WSOP, it is "No Limit hold'em" that means you can choose to bet as little or as much as you want at any moment.

While I agree that is sucks when the manic player suckes out with a 2 5 off suit against my AA, that is unfortunately the way it goes sometimes in poker. you put your chips in the middle and you take your chances.

If you don't like people going all in when ever they feel like it, they have these games called "Limit Poker".
very good input on this :) and i totally agree with you man :) i really like this post lol :)
Allin Situation: 7s-7c vs 7h-3s...Flop: 7d-8h-9h...Turn: 10h....River: 6h...Not Only Does 7-3 Beat 7-7 It Beats It Well  ;D


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Re: forum freerolls
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2010, 05:21:45 PM »
Forum freerolls only need to be entered by buyin players, I uninstalled all Merge sites so they are out for me. but all others with bankroll Im in.


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Re: forum freerolls
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2010, 06:47:51 AM »
Forum freerolls only need to be entered by buyin players, I uninstalled all Merge sites so they are out for me. but all others with bankroll Im in.
Did you have a problem with merge?
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Re: forum freerolls
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2010, 07:28:45 PM »
Forum freerolls only need to be entered by buyin players, I uninstalled all Merge sites so they are out for me. but all others with bankroll Im in.

doesnt that defeat the purpose of a freeroll ?....... i think it does!! and the coupon system seems to work well. is that what you meant? maybe you could tell us more about what exactly, was meant. seems to be very confusing. more than most of my posts.......

peace  asz