Author Topic: Ok I need to know if this was played right.  (Read 775 times)


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Ok I need to know if this was played right.
« on: November 22, 2005, 12:39:27 PM »
I know I know it is me again.  

Thank you guys.  I have now moved up to the 25/50cents NL table.  Ok stop laughing I know I am still small fry to most.  I just sat down at a table, so I was not familiar with the players.  I had A 10 o/s someone raised preflop to $2, I reraised to $4.  It is now me and the other player.
The flop comes A 4 5(all different suits).  I bet $2.  He reraises to $12.  I curse to myself and think my kicker obliviously isn't good enough.  Or that the guy even has pocket aces so I fold.  Well he had pocket 10's.  I thought wow he was lucky I folded that.  Was I right in folding that?  How many people would have called that with 10 high.
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Ok I need to know if this was played right.
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2005, 12:54:49 PM »
I would of had to look at a two things. How had he been playing at the table. I never sit at a ring table without watching the players for at least 5 hands. Next what was he stack size. If he went all in on the turn did I want to call that to. I usally sit with just the min. amount at rings so If I am forced to call an all in I don't lose that much. Get to 2 or 3 times what I brought and find another table and sit with the min. again.

Sry I cant tell you if it was played right or not without knowing these things. You could of called and his one out could of came on the river.
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forgot a few important details
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2005, 02:36:35 PM »
Now I had just sat down.  So of course I was not familiar with the table or players.  We both had the same amount of money.  We approx.  had $25 each.  If I had of played longer I most definelty would have not only called but I would have gone all in.  I like finding a table where not a lot of people have over $100 because I find a lot of them just bully and push people around.  I find they also don't like when you push back.
I guess you answered the question without really answering the question.
They are good tips.  To watch the players before playing. I sometimes do if time permits.  
So thank you buc. :D I do feel a little better!
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Ok I need to know if this was played right.
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2005, 03:17:28 PM »
I'm all for agressive raises but here I would question your reraise of 8X the big blind with only A 10. I probably would have called the $2 raise and folded on reraise after the flop. Again much depends on your position, his stack size vs your stack size, and what kind of a player he has shown to be.
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Ok I need to know if this was played right.
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2005, 05:01:40 PM »

Always watch first Bmc.... at least 3-5 hands... you can usually sit and not post the blind until you are ready. Then as Buc said, sit with the minimum allowed, or the max you are willing to lose in one sitting. Also agree with Superdad... should have never raised preflop with AT off unless you had been playing them awhile and knew how they were playing.

Key is PATIENCE... in any game that you are wanting to win money at.


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Ok I need to know if this was played right.
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2005, 06:16:05 PM »
It would have been tought to call in that situation, but there are 2 schools of thought here. One would be call and go to the limit, even on the first hand because (even though it is hindsight) if you are head-to-head, chances are he does not hve both A's and probably not a higher kicker. The problem is that you have no way to know that he has pocket T's. That would have made you a big pit, but been very risky. If you would not mind risking that much of your bankroll, then go for it. The second option is similar to what the others are saying. Either watch for a few hands or play tight for a few hands. I usually do this as I hate to lose money, especially right off the bat. I usually even fold a hand that I may think would be good on other occasions, just to keep from losing my stack.

To be honest, I would say you did the right thing for the situation. The A-T is a tough one, even though it could be a good hand. If a T comes out your are toast against pocket T's.

As with all these others advise, I usually go with patience and slightly more conservative play until I have a handle on the other players.
Posted by Dino.