Author Topic: Apology To Bucnright  (Read 415 times)


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  • Posts: 488
Apology To Bucnright
« on: September 15, 2006, 11:11:39 AM »
Hi Buc.  Just finished playing a game against you at Spades Lounge, a few minutes ago.  Unfortunately, I was not able to return the salutations from you and the other players at my first table.  My chat was not working.  I thought I'd let you know.  I apologize for this, you probably thought I was an unsociable jerk at the table.  I'm not much of a talker during games, but, I will at least say hello or thanks, once in a while.  After the game, I spoke with live support (which is very handy), they had not activated my chat.  It works fine now, hope to play against you soon at Spades Lounge and I WILL chat.   :)