I know spades will be removing sitouts after 5 minutes when they do go live which should be real soon. I know the did have some issues with the software so that site doesnt really bother me as much as
Titan. I did have one member that because they changed the time couldn't play and Private messaged me they couldnt unregister for some reason at Spades.
Titan the other day we listed the password 4 hours before the tourny. Which will allow me to email members if there is a problem such as the host going down.
These players are starting to upset me and I am starting to keep track along with Betty. Here is the list of players at
Titan. These members are going to be watched and if it continues to happen be removed from the forum.
JakPotHead1, jackie252, Zimix, ArjonT, TiTiDinheiro, KKoz9, Matutex, bravesrule06, Fredericso, colbear, tugavi, mjkSlavik, TTR32783632, pepebal, mi77erlite, AleeNatoru, arpadgaspar, Ozpokerau, tonyztiger, Gabbon002, mick232323, 12watchout4, blueyedgrl2, joopxiv, CHPLDR, AAnuts, uCALLiRAISE, levskisofia1914, graidari, DREADNAUGHT, KCfromMARS2, junker2005, rambojr3, Jokertat2, deranged, arioch111, angelhalo, powdermeyer, dFenceX, LLestattt, xStealthdogx, squall752, Kardmonkey, IBbetting, dmode, Alexa2006, spliffed, RealSot, baterflay, sneakypuss069, bucko570