Pokerrooms offer bonuses like 10%,50%,100%. I suppose that here comes the time when offered bonuses will be 500% or 1000%.
For me, a beginner in poker, the level of bonuses was always unimportant. When I was signing in my first pokerroom I knew nothing about texas holdem. I didn't know even the rules of the game. I didn't want to pay for my play because of my low skills. I didn't want to invest my money in the beginning of my poker career
I think that 90% of beginners think like this, and the bonus offers do not find interested people among beginners. I am not sure if the bonus offers are so attractive even for intermediate or advanced players.
What is the biggest pokerroom bonus you were able to get? Was it worth of your efforts?
What I think and my propostion is, that pokerrooms should rather offer free real money for play. Let's say I pay deposite 100$ and they add me 10$ extra which I can't withdraw and I must use the 10$ as buy in. I play in micro stakes tournaments, on micro stakes tables and I learn.
The 10 dollars is the money I will lose certainly. But I can get know something else except freerolls. When I will get higher skills I can play using my 100$ I already paid.
This is my proposition: "No stupid bonuses. Only real extra cash!"