It really has nothing to do with the site as far as the way the cards flop. !
1:Poker4ever offers a lot of freerolls.
Site that offer tons of freerolls tend to have weaker players.
2: If it was in a freeroll or small buy-in
Most players dont care what they have as cards they invested nothing. I only play freerolls to improve my $$$$$ game. It is much harder to read people that don't care.
3: Poker on TV
Most of your online poker players became players from seeing it on TV. This brings in a player that really doesn't undersatnd odds or poker at all. The TV shows an avarage of 12 hours of game time being played in a 1 hour time slot. viewers would not be interested if they had to see what really happens. So what do they do they show you every possible bad beat and suck out that happens. The people watching start to believe playing 10 2 offsuit is good because Doyle won with it. If you want to know the truth about that which many people dont read post. How did you play it.
It would depended on how the players at the table are playing. I can't tell you how many times in the first 30 minutes of a freeroll I have tossed AA or KK. Sit back and let the idiots take each other out. If the players at the table are loose you might try a small raise looking for a rerasie so you can reraise again. If its a tight table slow play for sure depending on the amount of players in the pot. Also the amount of players calling or raising would make a difference. The more players you have in the pot the bigger chance to lose. AA verse 1 player is at 85% to win verse 3 other players you drop to 64% verse 9 other players you chance to win drops to 30%.