Author Topic: Non members  (Read 695 times)


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Non members
« on: November 16, 2008, 01:36:12 PM »
This is atleast the third time a non member has been in FRT trnys at PitBull poker. I wouldnt be complaining but that lowers my odds of winning when non members steal the password and join a tourny.


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Non members
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2008, 05:01:16 PM »
We completely understand how you feel and we do our best to stop the password thieves, but some do still get away with it at times.  Eventually they will slip up and get caught.  There are several areas in the forum where you'll find info about the password theives and things we do about it, we don't like any kind of cheaters.  Our partner forums even have more you'll find about how we handle cheaters.
FRT Moderator and still proud of it!


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« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2009, 09:34:28 PM »
i dont see how some one could steal a pass word for a tour its gotta be a member that is giving it out. cause really who would take the time to sit and type each letter and # until the cracked the pw ? and for the few dollars they could make it dosent seem like the best why to spend the time.

like i said before when i saw this in other place you could do what PFP dose and give credits for post and charge credits foor the pw and cut down on that cause then you would have list of who bought it. and then you could catch the leaker better that why or you could have the site put all your acttive members in them. but then you would have alot of sits outs cause many wouldnt be there every game.

but just few oppoins hope some helped you.


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Re: Non members
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2009, 08:50:27 PM »
with the crackdown on pw stealing and most forums and poker sites zero tolerance to private touny invaders,  maybe this problem will eventually go away.   it does seem to be occurring less and less these days.