Author Topic: Why jokes  (Read 427 times)


  • Freeroll Chaser
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  • Posts: 49
Why jokes
« on: November 17, 2005, 12:50:55 AM »
if you cut off a glow worms tail would it be delighted?
why is it a woman in a suit is a business woman and a man in a dress is an transvestite?
if love is blind how could we believe in love at first sight?
why is it called a tv set when theres only one?
why is it you walk down the road even if its uphill?
why are things typed up but written down?
to dumped farmers get John Deere letters?
why are the obituraries found in the living section of the newspaper?
 if a 911 operator has a heart attack who does she call?
 if a glove is too big does it still fit like a glove?
 can mute people burp?
can you get cornered in a round room?
if hooters were to become a door to door service would they have to change their name knockers?
do dutch people always split the bill?
why do you click start to exit microsoft windows?
why is a person that handles you money called a broker?
what if the hokey pokey is really what its all about?
how can someone draw a blank?
if fed ex and ups were to merge would they call it fedup?
 what color would a smurf turn if you choked it?
 why do they call them apartments when there all stuck together?