Author Topic: leave of absence  (Read 325 times)


  • Freeroll Chaser
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leave of absence
« on: August 30, 2006, 08:11:30 AM »
this will basically be my last few days online for about the next 6-8 wks--talk about poker  withdrawal after so many months of 8hrs plus a day online --guess i will have to make a couple casino stops on my route south to curb the shakes.  The wife and I are heading to key west where i will be upgrading my coast guard guiding to license to the next level - called near costal-- this will allow me to guide anywhere in the united states.  So basically the wife convinced me to say good bye to the bitter cold minnesota winters ( actually at 45 will all the aches and pains of 2 major knee surguries and back problems it didnt take much)--well guys also to be truthful  its what the wife wants --so gotta do what the gal says right--lol
U may have noticed I havent been around much this last month anyway since its been a very busy and productive month of fishing for me. plus had the big auction sale to clean out the garage and all the closets--My how i did accumulate a ton of stuff over the years. and still trying to sell the house.. ( anyone interested ???--lol)  So I have been kind of been doing a slow withdrawal process from the poker game
Pulling the pin officially here Sept 11. but prior to that doing some transfer  of junk to my brother garage then off for a wk or so of goodbyes to the relatives then off on the roughly 2000 mile road trip--then housing hunting and finally internet connection setup --
 -so i dont expect to be back on the felt until mid to late oct..

then its time to hit the felt with gusto--so until then take care gang


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leave of absence
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2006, 10:53:08 AM »
Sorry to hear we will miss you.

You can still stop by the forum and lets us know how your doing. Good luck on your test.
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