Author Topic: Thre magic Hidden hands  (Read 698 times)


  • Freeroll Chaser
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Thre magic Hidden hands
« on: January 19, 2007, 01:33:13 AM »
Hello all,

The most devistating hands are the hidden hands in poker.

The first is two pair, this is almost impossible to spot whene playing. You expect people to bet out with top pair, however the two pair in a short handed game can be devistating.

The second is the set, oh the sweetness of huitting you're trip 2's whene you have been allowed to limp into the pot with these harmless littlw pawns on an AK2 rainbow flop.

And the final most powerfull hidden hand is the Straight. This is where you have a one or two gap connector like 6/8 and hit a rainbow flop of 579 and everyone starts betting. It is even better if you get a flop of K79 and can increase the pot on the strength of you're outs and hitting the straight.

I think the reasoning behind this is the human brain can make any word out as long as the last and first letter is in the correct order and the middle letters are mixed up. FCUK the English fasion store is the most famous. The same goes for the hidden straight. A flop of 456 will have people wondering however mix it up a bit and you're on a monster.

tkae crae and Good lcuk at the  telabs!


please put me right if you dissagree!