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Ath this point they are still open. If anything does happen you will get an email from the network on your options.
here we go again just when i was startin to build money on this site(365bonitas) i have to move or transfer?ok how do you go about moving or transfering to another site? ???
WEEKLY TOURNYS / iron to gold
« Last post by cobbie1966 on November 25, 2010, 07:43:24 AM »
well,its good to have iron to gold back again i love these games but i missed out on the first one so maybe ill get in next month to turn my winnigs to gold :P :P
When you say "move funds" do you think merge would allow you to transfer your Optimuspoker funds to another merge skin?
At this point is does not look good for Optimuspoker they still owe affiliates and merge gaming and have tried to pull off a move to another site. The funds are safe if merge takes the skin over and closes it members will have time to withdraw or move funds.
well it truly was a sign of the future.   totally dead there.  all the league games are off the schedule.  doesn't look promising.  so,   what is a person supposed to do with all their league coupons?  doed anybody know what they are good for?  seems a waste and a pity to just ignore them.
OTHER EVENTS / Re: TPFC @ Fulltilt
« Last post by eberetta1 on November 19, 2010, 11:27:58 PM »
TPFC sent me a pm with the password...
ARTICLES / Re: eWalletXpress error
« Last post by eberetta1 on November 19, 2010, 08:18:18 PM »
Not a pleasant thought at all. I know it took me 8 or 9 months to get my Neteller funds. Fortunately, this site will not affect me.
OTHER EVENTS / Re: TPFC @ Fulltilt
« Last post by eberetta1 on November 19, 2010, 08:12:48 PM »
I am representing this forum. I came in the top 25 (placed 4th) in the freeroll to qualify for the Nov 21st poker forum challenge final. Can you pm me the password? Ty, I will send you a pm with this request also.
FORUM GAMES / Re: Movie Quote Game
« Last post by puzzykat on November 18, 2010, 01:56:58 PM »
"Fish are friends, not food."

no,  not doyle brunson!

(you will know this one if you've watched some video's with your kids!)

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